Lapis Kukus Pahlawan is a typical Surabaya layer cake that has a distinctive taste.

The aroma of coffee, plus its soft sweetness fits perfectly.

When I enjoy my palm sugar milk coffee sponge cake, it fits perfectly, the texture is soft and the aroma of coffee + palm sugar is strong

The outside is crunchy, not hard at all, and the inside is soft especially with a sprinkling of almonds on top, yum yummm..

First bite, auto makes Sinyo fall in love.

I like it the most because the texture is really dense, crunchy but the pie crust is still soft, the filling is more milky, creamy, the taste is also light and the almond taste is strong!

Crazyyy, this is the Almond Tart that makes you feel better. Crunchy and soft like that, the almond taste too.

Not bitter and sweet. Very fitting.

The combination is perfect because the crunchy outside blends perfectly with the soft filling, the almonds taste really good!