WISATA | 15 SEP 2021

Exploring the Surabaya Submarine Monument, the Largest Submarine Monument in Asia

Developing into one of the metropolitan cities in Indonesia, Surabaya not only emphasizes the modern side like other urban areas, but also holds cultural and historical values ​​closely. Various historical buildings and monuments are still maintained their authenticity in order to maintain these historical elements. One that stands out in this City of Heroes is the Surabaya Submarine Monument.

If you are visiting Surabaya, take the time to stop by for an educational tour at the Surabaya Submarine Monument. What can you find there? What is the origin of the monument? Check out more information in the following article!

The Origin of the Ship KRI Pasopati 410

Source: GNFI (https://www.goodnewsfromindonesia.id/)

The Surabaya Submarine Monument is an original submarine that used to participate in the Indonesian Navy in the Indonesian Navy's Eastern Division. In other words, this monument is not a replica of a submarine, but an original Russian submarine made in 1952.

Measuring 76.6 meters long and 6.3 meters wide, this Russian-made Whiskey Class ship is capable of diving to a depth of 300 meters. Not only that, the Whiskey Class ship is also equipped with steam torpedoes. The Whiskey Class has been used by the Indonesian Navy's Eastern Division since January 1962.

The construction of the Surabaya Submarine Monument was carried out in July 1995 based on the idea of ​​the submarine and navy elders at that time. The construction is divided into 16 sections. Then on July 15, 1998, Monkasel was inaugurated and became one of the tourist attractions in Surabaya.

Since then, Monkasel has never been empty of visitors who come with high enthusiasm to explore the contents of KRI Pasopati 410. The Surabaya Submarine Monument is the largest submarine monument in Asia. It was not only built as a tourist attraction, but the form of Monkasel became Indonesia's historical heritage as a maritime country.

Things to find inside the Surabaya Submarine Monument

monumen kapal selam surabaya

Surabaya Submarine Monument

Source: Liputan6.com

To enter the Surabaya Submarine Monument, you have to climb the iron ladder next to the ship. Then later you will meet the officer guarding the entrance.

There are seven rooms in this submarine, namely rooms I to VII. Room I is a room for loading and unloading torpedoes, room II is an officer's lounge room. This room is used by them to live, eat, and work. While room III is the Combat Information Center room.

Switch to room IV, you can find the crew room. In room V is a room to store auxiliary aircraft, diesel motors, and other controls.

Room VI is an electrical room. There are two electric motors or the main generator for charging the battery and driving the ship's propeller. While the last room is room VII which is the stern torpedo room.

That's the one you can find in Monkasel. The design also looks very attractive and its authenticity is still maintained today. Make sure to take some pictures to keep as a memento of the trip, OK!

Address, admission ticket and operating hours

Surabaya Submarine Monument

Source: monkasel.id

Monkasel is very easy to access, because it is in the middle of the city. The exact location is at Jalan Pemuda number 39. You can get there using private vehicles or public transportation, because access to get there is very easy.

While the ticket price is IDR 8,000-IDR 15,000. Monkasel is open from 08.00 am to 21.00 pm.